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Our subscribers love suspenseful books! Give them something to talk about.

Are you an author or publisher of suspenseful books who is looking to delight fans?

If so, welcome to the Publisher side of Keep Me in Suspense by Kelly Utt! I’m glad you’re here.

Tell me about your deal or reveal on suspenseful books via the message button below. If selected, it will get posted on a mailing of, usually within a few days. If you plan on using us as a resource, you may want to bookmark this page now.

There is no cost for sharing your content with this list. That said, the content is curated. Not every submission will be selected and shared. To check if your content is selected, please subscribe to the list and keep an eye out. (There is a free trial option.) To simplify things as much as possible, confirmation messages will NOT be sent when your content is selected. The exception to that is exclusive content.

Exclusive content is strongly preferred.

If you submit exclusive content and it is selected, I will notify you within 2 weeks. I understand that you’ll want to share it elsewhere, as soon as possible. If your content is exclusive to us, I kindly ask that you not share or make it visible anywhere else for 72-hours after it is posted in a Keep Me in Suspense newsletter. After that time, you are welcome to post anywhere you like.

Sample timeline for exclusive content: 1) you contact me via the message button below and include a private link for me to preview your content, 2) I review and contact you within 2 weeks if you’re selected letting you know the specific date your content will go out to Keep Me in Suspense subscribers, then 3) you promise to keep the content exclusive (not shared or visible elsewhere) for a period of 72-hours after it goes out in a Keep Me in Suspense newsletter. If you submit exclusive content via the message button below and don’t hear from me within 2 weeks, that means your submission was not selected.

Submitted content should be entertaining. Keep Me in Suspense subscribers enjoy special pricing and promotions, short videos (less than 2 minutes), cover or title reveals, trailers, release date announcements, behind-the-scenes insights such as book research, Q&A sessions, sneak peeks and other early access, contests, limited editions, and giveaways.

Suspenseful genres typically include: mysteries, thrillers, and action, including crime fiction, psychological thrillers, cozy mysteries, historical mysteries, and action and adventure; romantic suspense and sometimes other romance subgenres, such as paranormal romance and historical romance; horror; fantasy; science fiction; teen and young adult suspense; some humor; memoir; and suspenseful women’s fiction.

You may submit as many times as you like. In your message, be sure to let me know whether the content you’re submitting will be exclusive to Keep Me in Suspense or not.

If you aren’t signed up for Substack yet and want to send me a submission, you may also email me at kelly [at] kellyutt [dot] com.

Let’s get to it. Thanks for being here.

—Kelly Utt, Keep Me in Suspense